Yoga, a wonderful way of life for improving one’s mental clarity and physical health, is also helpful in weight loss. It acts as an aerobic exercise at a moderate pace, assisting in weight loss.
It also has an advantage over other workouts. Yoga reduces stress, which is a major cause of weight gain. It leaves you feeling revitalized, relaxed, and centered. Let’s take a look at some yoga poses for weight loss you can try at home.
Does Yoga Help To Lose Weight?
Yoga not only burns fat but also builds muscle. Yoga has been shown to help you manage stress, improve your mood, and curb emotional eating, all of which can help you lose and maintain weight. Yoga can help you lose weight while increasing muscle mass and tone.
Top 11 Yoga Asanas For Fat Burning
All yoga poses benefit your health and aid in weight loss, but some are more effective than others at burning fat faster. So, let’s go over these 11 best yogasan for weight loss and how to perform them.
1. Cobra Pose ( Bhujangasana) For Weight Loss
The cobra pose gets its name from a cobra. This beautiful pose is best done while lying down. It is also known as ” Bhujangasana ” in Sanskrit. It is one of the back stretching postures that can aid in fat loss and metabolism.
- Lie down with your back to the mat. Your feet should be flat on the floor, and your palms should be on their respective sides.
- With both hands, press down on the floor. The length of your finger should be proportional to the width of your shoulder blades.
- Attempt to bend your back with your belly facing forward now.
- Hold this position for approximately 10 seconds.
- Push yourself upwards with each exhalation.
- Repeat 10 to 15 times.
2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana) For Weight Loss
This is a standing posture. It has numerous health advantages. It’s known as “Utkatasana” in Sanskrit. You appear to be sitting in a chair. You must squat and keep your body still to perform this asana correctly.
- Maintain a straight posture and keep your legs together. Maintain a straight arm above your head.
- Bend both knees as far as you can comfortably.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds.
- Relax and repeat this posture 10 to 15 times.
3. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) For Weight Loss
Bridge pose is ideal for those looking for simple weight loss yoga asanas. It is a revitalising back-bending yoga pose. It is also simple to implement and extremely effective for weight loss. It can energise your body and increase your flexibility.
- Lie down on your back. Kneel and place your feet flat on the floor. They should be at least hip-width apart.
- Draw your feet up to your hips.
- Maintain a parallel relationship between your feet.
- Attempt to lift yourself with your stomach facing the ceiling.
- Your chin and chest should be in the proper alignment.
- Relax and repeat this pose 10 to 15 times.
4. Dog Yoga Pose For Weight Loss (Adho Mukha Svanasana) For Weight Loss
This pose is excellent for stretching the entire body. It can aid in toning your arms, legs, and stomach. It can also help to strengthen the muscles in your shoulders. It’s a forward-bending yoga pose that can help your health in the long run.
- Lie on your stomach flat.
- Slowly lift your upper body with your palms in a mountain pose.
- Inhale while raising your upper body.
- Maintain this position for 30 seconds.
- Exhale and return to your starting position.
- 10 to 15 times, repeat this yoga pose.
5. Trikonasana (Utthita Trikonasana) For Weight Loss
It is a fundamental yoga pose. Trikonasana is one of the most effective weight-loss yoga poses. This yoga pose is great for stretching your shoulder and hip muscles. It can also aid in the release of pent-up stress in the body. This yoga pose is ideal for newcomers.
- Hold your hand above your head and stand up straight.
- Spread your legs apart now.
- Stretch down and try to touch your toes with the same hands; your other hand should face the ceiling.
- Maintain this position for 10 seconds.
- Switch to the other hand’s position and repeat the process.
- 10 – 15 times through this asana.
6. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana) For Weight Loss
This pose is great for stretching your entire body. It can help to maintain body balance and flexibility. But, unfortunately, it can be challenging. As a result, only a qualified instructor should perform this yoga pose. It can help to strengthen your back, shoulders, and legs.
- Maintain a straight posture and keep your feet together.
- Extend your legs apart.
- Bend one knee forward while keeping the other parallel to the ground.
- Slowly raise your hands above your head, Noe.
- Maintain this pose for 15 seconds.
- Switch to the other knee and repeat the process.
- Do this 10 to 15 times.
7. The Sun Salutation Pose ( Suryanamaskar) For Weight Loss
If you are wondering if Surya namaskar can help you lose weight, the answer is yes! There are numerous variations of this yoga stance, but it is best to stick with and practise the one that is most comfortable for you.
- Keep your feet straight.
- Lift your arm above your head after taking a deep breath.
- Exhale as you bend forward.
- Get into the plank position now.
- Maintain this position for 10 seconds.
- Drop to your knees and place your lower body on the floor.
- Extend your legs while keeping your hands beneath your shoulders.
- Inhale and perform the cobra pose.
- Exhale after switching to the downward dog-facing pose.
- Maintain this position for 10 seconds.
- Return to your original position by standing up straight.
- Lift your arm above your head after exhaling.
- Finally, exhale and relax.
- Repeat 10 to 15 times.
8. Plank Pose (Phalakasana) For Weight Loss
The plank position is excellent for core strength and reducing belly and arm fat. This yoga position is also very effective at relieving back pain. Additionally, practising phalakasana regularly is an excellent stress reliever. It is an effective yoga pose for losing belly fat.
- Put yourself in the push-up position.
- Then, using your palms, try to lift your upper body off the floor.
- Try to relax your neck by looking down at the floor.
- Maintain this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
- 10 to 15 times, repeat this yoga pose.
9. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana) For Weight Loss
Are you looking for effective weight loss yoga asanas? Then bow pose is a good place to start. It can help to tone and strengthen your back and abdominal muscles. As a result, you will lose weight over time. It can also assist you in improving your posture. It is also an excellent yoga pose for back pain relief.
- Lie on your stomach on the floor.
- Try to bend your knees and press your toes to the floor.
- Grab your ankles with your hands now.
- Inhale and raise your upper body off the ground.
- Exhale now and stretch your back and legs. Maintain a firm grip on your legs.
- Raise your head and look ahead.
- Hold this position for ten seconds.
- Repeat this pose 10 to 15 times.
10. Boat Pose (Navasana) For Weight Loss
The boat pose is a delightful and simple yoga pose for core muscle strengthening. Furthermore, a routine can enhance your metabolism and help you lose weight. Incorporating this yoga pose into your daily routine will thus improve your flexibility and fitness.
- Straighten your back and extend your legs forward.
- Bring your knees together.
- Lift your feet as well as your upper body. They must be parallel.
- Raise your hands in the air.
- Hold this position for approximately 30 seconds.
- Relax and return to your original position.
- Repeat this yoga exercise 10 to 15 times to achieve the best results.
11. Locust Pose (Salabhasana) For Weight Loss
Locust Pose helps to counteract the effects of prolonged desk sitting. This pose strengthens the back muscles that support your spine. It can help with lower back pain relief and posture improvement.
- Release the body from Balasana and move into a prone pose, stretching the arms and legs while lying on the tummy.
- Inhale, and as you exhale, raise your upper and lower bodies about 30 degrees off the floor, balancing your body with your arms stretched out behind you. Expanding the body in both directions while remaining on the lower tummy and pelvis.
- Take a deep breath and hold the pose for about six breaths, then exhale and go deeper into the pose, keeping the neck raised to your comfort.
- This pose will aid in the loss of belly fat as well as fat around the buttocks. The muscles around the arms, hips, and tummy begin to expand, tightening and strengthening the skin around these muscles.
- Slowly come out of the pose and place your palms on the floor. After a few breaths, you can repeat this pose.
Yoga, an Indian form of mind-body rejuvenation, has numerous benefits for everyone, from obese people looking to lose weight to those looking to relax. It is a time-honored method of maintaining a fit and healthy body and a stress-free mind. Yoga not only promotes physical and mental well-being, but it also aids in weight loss.